Well, I haven’t been officially “fired” yet so I had quite a surprise when we did a few Heroic SoO bosses at the raid last night.

Of course I met this increased level of difficulty with my usual level of raid savvay and world-class deeps that would make Sparkuggz cry.

Heroic Immerseus

Heroic Immerseus

Yes, I was the first one dead – was there any doubt?

Heroic Protectors

Heroic Protectors

I was actually alive at the end for the last one.

Heroic Norushen

Heroic Norushen

Full disclosure: I was the first one dead for the first attempt but we didn’t make the enrage timer so I’m not counting it because…well…it’s my blog.

I didn’t win the shoes that dropped to replace my lovely Raid Finder shoes, but I did win some smoking hot HEROIC shoulders and HEROIC Warforged gloves!

HEROIC Rime-Rift Shoulders

HEROIC Rime-Rift Shoulders

HEROIC Warforged Blight Hurlers

HEROIC Warforged Blight Hurlers

Shoulders and gloves breaks my 4-piece but for crying out loud it’s HEROIC gear!

I might never see Heroic gear when it’s still current ever again so I’m running with it for now.Β  I’m keeping the set pieces in my bags though just in case.

Oh and by the way yeah…I am the only person on the planet who hasn’t got a WoD Beta invite yet.