I’m smart!  At least in Magic because I’ve read all the books…

Higher Learning Achievement

Since I’m on vacation I thought it would be a good time to work on a few of the more time-consuming Achievements.  I hadn’t paid much attention to Higher Learning because I never actually found a book – except one.

I probably would never have bothered with it except it rewards a Kirin Tor Familiar pet and everyone in Azeroth knows how I love my pets!

I read the guide at Warcraft Pets, spent a couple of days stalking books and noting the spawn times if a book I found wasn’t for the Achievement.  Eventually I was down to the last book that spawned in the Violet Hold.  First one I found was “The Fluffy Bunny” and I believe one was a very sad tale “Bundle of Romantic Correspondences.”

I missed a couple of spawn times but several hours later the last book I needed appeared.

Higher Learning

Higher Learning

Even though Dalaran is a ghost town these days, I was surprised at how many players were around chasing the books – very busy at all the spawn points!

Kirin Tor Familiar

Kirin Tor Familiar

And it’s one more pet towards the next level pet achievement – that rewards another pet, of course!

What could possibly be worse than Recount?

World of Logs!

I tagged along on a Bastion of Twilight guild run that went well considering there were a few of us “rookies” still learning the fights.

I even didn’t die at Cho’gall – a first for me!  My dps is still poor – I should be doing much more but I thought I was doing okay.



Then someone mentioned that the fight data would be posted at World of Logs.  Okay, something interesting so I checked out my data and OMG! I’m terrible!

Only a few lines of “Damage by Spell” and a page of two of “Damage Taken.”  I didn’t even want to look at the “Deaths” report….

And just in case I missed how bad I was, I have the option to confirm it in a colorful graph.

I know I should be doing better dps – I’ve got good gear, a nice guildie made me my Lightforged Elementium Hammer, and even a stranger in a Troll PuG asked if there was something wrong (in a friendly manner) because he thought I should have higher numbers and offered some advice.

So…I’m missing something somewhere – time to do more research!