You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 6, 2011.

better than I am.

Just hanging around Stormwind, checking the Auction House to see if the Lightforged Elementium Hammer I’ve been drooling over is listed for less than 20k.

It wasn’t.

Then I checked the price of Truegold to see if it was worth buying the mats and paying a Blacksmith for the orbs.

It wasn’t.

Then I get a whisper from someone I don’t know – I tried to get a screen shot but I got disconnected (again – hate random disconnects.)

But here it is – including the spelling:

<somerandomguy> heyy
<me> hey
<somerandomguy> want to know if u raid a lot
<me> not a lot
<somerandomguy> how much dps you pull
<me> not a lot
<somerandomguy> about how much
<me> less than 12k

Then I remember that the <12k was with the RDF buff so I had to subtract 15% or whatever.

Oh well.

Maybe it’s the adorable hairy goat legs that makes me look a “raider.”

I’ve just got to force myself to run a few more Heroics (and those nasty Trolls) and then I’ll have enough VP to purchase a nice upgrade chest piece.

That might really start to confuse other players.  It’s too bad I can’t design my own tabard that says “Less than 12k.”

I might not be a WoW raider, but I do know how to raid a refrigerator – think I saw some fresh strawberries in there….

I know I can pull 45k dps (stainless steel spoon equipped, no enchants) on a bowl of strawberries and cream….does that count?

On the bright side…

I had nothing to do after the Dalaran Fishing Daily for another Bag of Fishing Disappointments, so I did some coin fishing in the fountain until I got the achievement.

The Coin Master

The Coin Master

All I need for the “Salty” title is the Lurker achievement and win a Fishing Derby.
Maybe next year…

August 2011

Companion Pet – Dancing Fox Kit

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© A. Lucas and Wolfgangcat, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to A. Lucas and Wolfgangcat with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.