You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 12, 2014.

After the last character wipe, I started leveling my copy character Warlock again.

Some old bugs were fixed, some new bugs cropped up and there were a few changes to the Garrisons.

The Herbal Garden was moved outside of the Garrison, and as I was standing there trying to remember what quest I needed to open it, Dog showed up.

My Farm Dog?

My Farm Dog?

I was so happy! I felt really bad leaving my Dog behind at the Ranch. I mean really – wouldn’t the AAPA (Azeroth Animal Protection Agency) think I had abandoned him?

Now he’s back with his own little dog house!

So…where’s my CAT???

I’m still sitting around level 96.  I tried to make the big push to 100 over the weekend but with disconnects, resets, quest bugs, etc. I didn’t make it.

Questing actually seems to be a little more difficult this time around.

The quests are the same but I seemed to find a lot more quests that didn’t show up on the map.  Sometimes I didn’t have a clue where I was supposed to go and quest text doesn’t help much if it tells you to go to “Area Whatever” and that isn’t on the map.

Apparently I have a Fishing Shack now (where it is I’m not sure) and I *finally* got the mine working (bug fix) so I’ve been able to do a few work orders for Engineering.

I’m still missing my Pet Battle area.  That might be a level 100 thing or something higher than I am right now.

The pet battle Worgen is hanging around but no battle pets or quests yet.

I’ve found a few more fun toys in my travels from killing rares.  A “bubble” wand that blows bubbles and the “Spirit of Bashiok” that summons Bashiok to dance for a while.

Spirit of Bashiok

Spirit of Bashiok

I’m actually liking my Garrison right now.

I built an Inn and the props in it are really great!  Travelers are coming and going, and you can “hire” a follower once a week.

I hired a “Legendary” female dwarf and I picked up something somewhere that let’s you name your followers so that might be fun.

One thing about the Inn though…

I’m SURE I sent Fiona out on a very important mission, and there she was in the Inn yapping about how she was so hungry she could eat an Orc and sitting at a table drinking herself silly.

Yeah, I might have to make some employee adjustments.

August 2014

Companion Pet – Dancing Fox Kit

Follow for Boring WoW Stuff!

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© A. Lucas and Wolfgangcat, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to A. Lucas and Wolfgangcat with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.